


作为韦斯特蒙特的首席学术官, I am honored to work with Westmont's outstanding faculty, staff, 和学生.

One of the nation's foremost Christian colleges, 韦斯特蒙特长期以来一直扎根于福音派传统,并坚定地致力于文科. Faculty value academic rigor and energetic scholarship, and they enjoy the wide exploration of ideas across many fields of study. 他们也渴望帮助建立ag娱乐官网和精神奉献的生活与探究和分析的生活之间的联系. 在课堂内外, students will have opportunities to learn and grow together, not only at our Montecito campus but throughout the world. 小班授课, students have many chances to get to know their professors as teachers, 导师和学者. Our desire is to help students prepare to serve God with faith, compassion, imagination and wisdom.

Westmont Names an Accomplished, Engaging and Inspiring Leader as Provost

“Statistically speaking, my path shouldn’t have led me to this moment...”

Remaining Faithful to the Call: Academic Excellence with Christ Holding Preeminence

虽然是韦斯特蒙特家族的新人, I marvel at God’s FAITHFULNESS to the college, allowing it to survive and to thrive “through many dangers, 劳碌和陷阱...”

内森·赫夫(艺术) presented his third solo exhibition at Sullivan Goss Gallery in Santa Barbara. “森林为树”通过15幅超现实主义画作探索了自然世界的美丽和奇迹, 几件雕塑作品, 从地板到天花板的悬挂装置,以本地树木的彩绘条和由树干制成的手工梯子为特色.

斯科特·安德森(艺术) illustrated the cover for the December 2023 issue of MAD Magazine; his second cover for the publication.  另外, his portrait of former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, originally painted for Mother Jones Magazine, was chosen for the 66th annual exhibition of the New York Society of Illustrators, and will be displayed at the Society's Museum of American Illustration in NYC later this spring. 它还入选了洛杉矶插画家协会第62届年度评委会展览.

劳拉·德雷克·舒尔泰斯(生物学), along with Westmont Garden Manager and Sustainability Coordinator Janell Balmaceda, 从区域野火缓解计划获得资金,与空间信息学小组-自然资产实验室和蒙特西托消防局合作,开始一个橡树恢复项目. 这笔资金支持在校园西侧和Las Barrancas住房ag娱乐官网之间种植大约40棵本地海岸活橡树, with the combined goals of reducing fire risk, 增加本地植物覆盖, and improving ecosystem health and resiliency. Multiple agencies as well as Westmont student volunteers were involved in planting the young trees, 该项目为未来几年的学生志愿者和研究机会奠定了基础.

史蒂夫·胡里奥(生物学) 以及北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的两位合作者获得了NIH为期两年的240美元资助,000 to study the mechanism by which Bordetella, 引起百日咳的细菌, persists in the respiratory tract in order to cause disease.

克里斯蒂·拉扎尔·坎特雷尔(化学) 和她的合作者在ACS化学神经科学杂志上发表了一篇文章“计算设计的分子调节als相关淀粉样蛋白TDP-43(307-319)聚集”. Written in collaboration with a research group at UCSB, the article includes the work of Westmont students Ethan Walker and Joshua Jang.

宋光(计算机科学) 一位合著者在 化学理论与计算杂志 题目为“粗粒水:揭示单个蛋白质原子的有效亲疏水性和水中氢的作用”.

卡罗琳·米滕(教育) 在2023年梅雷迪思研究员实施会议上发表了ag娱乐官网“支持教师候选人的知识和标准的实施”的演讲.今年8月,她还受邀在海岸线基督教学院(岸线基督教学院)举办了一场专业发展会议,内容是在K-12教室中实施数字对话. Finally, 她的研究文章“比较pst对数学和识字方法的看法”被刊登在加州教师教育委员会2023年冬季的时事通讯上.

Dan Jensen(工程) 和他的学生以利亚·西西利奥, 乔纳斯万森, Josh Wozniak和Tasha Loh向空军研究实验室的科学家和工程师展示了他们的研究, 赖特帕特森空军基地, Dayton, 2023年9月. The title of the research presentation was “A Weighted Design Matrix Approach for Informing Digital vs. 物理原型选项.“

Doug Fontes(工程) 在2023年国际机械工程大会上发表了一篇题为“膝盖上佩戴的电子设备的可持续电磁能量收集”的会议论文 & 博览会在新奥尔良,洛杉矶.


史蒂夫·波特(马丁研究所) presented “When God Doesn’t Heal: Receiving God’s Formative Grace Through Bodily Pain,” Holy Spirit Symposium (Biola University); “Knowing Christ Today: The Shape of Christian Spiritual Formation,福音神学协会; and “Internalizing the Love of God: A Theological Psychology of Receiving and Resisting Love,福音神学协会.

Maryke van der Walt(数学) 2023年10月,她在美国数学协会南加利福尼亚-内华达分会会议上展示了她ag娱乐官网血糖预测的研究, as well as at the Joint 数学 Meetings in January 2024.

大卫·埃特贝克(音乐) most recent performance highlights include concerts with Andrea Bocelli at the Hollywood Bowl in May, and performances as principal trumpet with the New West Symphony in November. He recently finished recording a new four movement work for solo trumpet by Ojai composer John Biggs. 埃特贝克给出了新的工作, 四张小号的迷你图, its premiere at Westmont’s faculty recital last fall.

In collaboration with colleagues in the music department, 露丝·林(音乐) led the Westmont Orchestra and Choir as part of the Westmont Christmas Festival. With two performances at the historic Granada Theatre, the premiere performance space in Santa Barbara, 音乐会及读书会以“快乐满溢”为主题,吸引逾2200人出席.

Zig Reichwald(音乐) 出版了一本新书, Mendelssohn and the Genesis of the Protestant A Cappella Movement,剑桥大学出版社出版.

宋德华(哲学) 展示了他的论文, “Is There an Independent Principle of Fairness,在哲学学院, 政治, and Economics Annual Conference in New Orleans, 2023年11月的路易斯安那.

Bob Haring-Kaye(物理学) 还有他研究小组的两个学生, Natalie Fogg, 24岁,Reese Toepfer, 26岁, 在怀科罗亚村举行的美国和日本核物理学会联合会议上展示了他们的研究, Hawaii, 2023年11月. 两位学生都获得了竞争激烈的美国国家科学基金会本科生会议体验项目的资助,以支持他们的参与.

Caryn Reeder(宗教研究) has published “Women's Emotion, Community, and 政治: Interpreting Tears in Luke 23.27-31页 新约研究 (2023年11月).  她还发表了一篇论文, “奴隶制, Gender, 和路加福音中的膳食,” at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting 2023年11月.

Helen Rhee(宗教研究) published two book chapters: “Pain in Ancient 医学 and Literature, and Early Christianity: The Paradox of Inshareability and Agency,” in 残疾, 医学, and Healing Discourse in Early Christianity: New Conversations for Health Humanities (eds. S. R. 霍尔曼,C. L. de Wet和J. L. Zechaer; London & New York: Routledge, 2023), 47–64 and “Wealth, Poverty, and Almsgiving,” in 剑桥早期基督教史 (剑桥大学出版社,2023),613-32.  她还在圣安东尼奥圣经文学协会年会上担任了两个小组成员, TX:教父研究, Patristic Wisdom: Challenges and Possibilities,” for Contextualizing North African Christianity (program unit) and a Book Review Session, Begging for Their Daily Bread: Beggar-Centric Interpretations of Matthew 6, 作者:Zhenya Gurina-Rodriguez, 耶稣的传统, Gospels, and Negotiating the Roman Imperial World (program unit).

霍莉·比尔斯(宗教研究) 被邀请为《ag娱乐官网》新活译本(NLT)在符类福音书和使徒行传领域的修订担任顾问审稿人.  She also presented two papers at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting 2023年11月. 作为“基督教神学与圣经”项目单元的特邀小组成员,她提供了“圣经研究学者倾听和回应系统神学家:对“听与做:使徒行传中的演讲和基督教本质”的评论.在“讲道与圣经研究”课程单元,她发表了一篇题为《ag娱乐官网》的论文.”

Sameer Yadav(宗教研究) 在2023年美国宗教学会年度会议上,他在一个名为“非对比超越和上帝的创造力”的小组讨论中发表了讲话, which will be published in a forthcoming issue of 现代神学. 他还为西雅图太平洋大学的宗教认识论和心理学研讨会做了一次全体会议演讲(“基督教神学知识寻求中的解放规范”). 他曾受邀在联合神学院(“约翰神学与基督教悲观主义”)和马里兰州洛约拉大学(“悲观主义与邪恶问题”)发表演讲。.

Sandra Richter(宗教研究) 出版了一本书的章节,在 旧约研究的现状 by Baker Academic titled “Environmental Approaches in Old Testament Studies,” an article in the 《ag娱乐官网》, “Economics and Urdeuteronomium: A Response to Kåre Berge, 戴安娜埃德尔曼, 菲利普·纪尧姆, 还有贝内黛塔·罗西,和一篇书评 天主教圣经季刊 菲利普·纪尧姆的作品 申命记的核心经济. She served as Asbury Theological Seminary's guest lecturer for the “Scholars Who Preach” annual event, 在《ag娱乐官网》中拍摄了她的最新课程 & 哈珀·柯林斯的《士师记, 并担任宣教协会在北卡罗莱纳州葛培理静修中心举行的总统静修会的全体演讲人.

Felicia Song(社会学) was interviewed for the Holy Post podcast in their series on teens and digital technologies.

乔纳森·希克斯(戏剧艺术) was the Associate Lighting Designer for the Santa Barbara Festival Ballet's 48th presentation of 《胡桃夹子》 在阿灵顿剧院.


